Anabelle's favorite sleeping spot? On top of her parents. Here Anabelle sleeps with Mom. Oops! Dad's flash woke Mom up!! And Mom was the one who was up with Anabelle all night. Dad's going to get it...
Yesterday Anabelle had a visit from her Aunt Becky and Uncle Aaron. (Grandma Bunny and Grandpa Jack were also there -- click for even more pictures with Anabelle!) Aaron and Becky are both so good with Anabelle that I'm tempted to ask when they're thinking of having kids of their own. After all, I'm sure Anabelle would appreciate it if there were a playmate her age at Jakala family gatherings... ;-)
And now a special message from Anabelle: "Happy Birthday, Uncle Dongo!" (Yeah it's a day late. What do you expect from a girl who was late for her own due date?)
Today was tough -- I had to go back to work and I missed Anabelle very much. This picture has nothing to do with that, but it's a fun shot from this weekend and it makes me smile: It's Anabelle in her latest toy, the Fisher-Price "Calming Vibrations" Rocker. As you can see in the second picture, Anabelle's favorite part of the chair is the cow print behind her. She's always trying to turn around to look at it. Either that or she's freaked out that there's a cow looking over her shoulder. "What're you looking at, Cow?"
Anabelle was the center of attention last night when she went to visit her Tuong relatives at the lovely Buckingham Palace. Click the link for more pictures.
Last night Anabelle went for her first walk at Lake Harriet. It was still a little cool but she seemed to enjoy it. Click the link for more pictures of her first outing.
EDIT: Just to clarify, that's a picture of Anabelle moments after birth, not of her when she's one week old. I put that pic up because I couldn't believe how much she'd grown in only a week! Sorry for any confusion!
This morning Anabelle had several visitors. Her Aunt Dot and Auntie Jo held her while she slept. Cousin Mandy brought a gift for Anabelle -- a beautiful, handmade quilt. As you can see, Mom liked the gift too!
I can't believe Anabelle's only six days old today (I hope I'm calculating that right -- how embarrassing if I'm screwing up my daughter's age already). It seems like ages ago that she was born, and I've already forgotten what life was like before she came into it. That's why I'm glad I've been documenting her development every day. (Some people tease me that I'm taking too many pictures but how can you take too many pictures of someone this adorable?) So if you haven't seen these already, here are links to some earlier "pre-blog" photos and stuff:
This is a blog devoted to the grace and beauty of my lovely daughter, Anabelle. Expect plenty of pictures and occasional late-night ramblings. Thanks for stopping by!