Whoops, I almost forgot to continue with the rest of the pictures from Anabelle's trip to Washington D.C. Here are some pictures from her day at the
National Zoo:

Buni and Anabelle strain to catch a glimpse of the pandas.

Anabelle and giraffe.

Anabelle didn't care too much for the animals. She was more interested in trying to climb over the railings throughout the zoo.

"Just...two...more...chin-ups and I'm done!"

Anabelle also liked to pull at the grass.

And she tried to escape her parents every couple minutes. Here, she makes a break for the Ape House!

But Mommy catches her easily enough, and the paparazzi are on hand to capture the event from the shadows.

Anabelle offers the olive branch of peace. "It's OK. You can put me down, Mom. I promise I won't try to run away again!"

Finally, Anabelle and Daddy practice their lion roars.